Monday, July 9, 2012

Yay! I'm Still Gonna Go To College!

Photo: We made a promise, and we have kept it.

A short while ago, the government of Israel adopted a historic decision on the partnership between the government and The Jewish Agency for Israel. The decision establishes that the government will assume responsibility for K'litah (immigrant absorption) activities, enabling The Jewish Agency to focus on its core mission of increasing Aliyah (immigration to Israel) and connecting Jews around the world to Israel, to the Jewish people, and to their Jewish identities.

Among other things, the decision determines that the government will increase its contribution to the Student Authority for the upcoming academic year and that all funding for the Authority will be transferred to the body by July 22 in order to ensure that no students are harmed in the process -- precisely as Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky promised.

We would like to acknowledge The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu's personal involvement in ensuring the success of this partnership and express our gratitude to the Prime Minister for his leadership and vision.

To read our statement on this historic decision, please see To read the decision itself (in Hebrew), please see

So basically the government and the Jewish Agency have come to an agreement. Yay! This means all I have to do is get a straight answer on where to send my paper work ! !

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